I very much like your article. I would, however, suggest a slight modification to your title. Life or death - choose death. As a parent, I have to choose death for a part of myself, my dreams, my short-term goals. I have to choose death for my ego, because that's mostly what it is. And like the seed that dies so the next generation can live, I choose death so that I can give life to my kids. Because that's what it's all about. They are not an extension of me. they are entrusted to me to train and set up for success in life. Their lives, not my own. As you say, there will be time for my own pursuits later.

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We decided in 1974 just before the first wave of Women's Lib hit the beaches of American Business that the employment my wife (a top graduate from a top University) could get would pay a salary minus clothing, lunches, parking, a second car, etc that would yield ZERO or less. I had a academic position so we didn't need the money to live nicely.

Financially we've done fine but I sense that she would have a wider circle of friends if she had spent time working for a few years. Our immediate neighborhood church provided too shallow a pool.

She never complains, this is just my sense of things.

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